Hull Brute Force ******************************************************************************* #include "hull-bruteforce.h" #include #include bool Point::operator==( Point const& arg2 ) const { return ( (x==arg2.x) && (y==arg2.y) ); } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Point const& p) { os << "(" << p.x << " , " << p.y << ") "; return os; } std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& os, Point & p) { os >> p.x >> p.y; return os; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //return value is (on left, on right) std::pair get_location( float const& p1x, //check which side of the line (p1x,p1y)-->(p2x,p2y) float const& p1y, //point (qx,qy) is on float const& p2x, float const& p2y, float const& qx, float const& qy ) { Point dir = {p2x-p1x,p2y-p1y}; Point norm = {dir.y, -dir.x}; Point point = {qx-p1x,qy-p1y}; //scalar product is positive if on right side float scal_prod = norm.x*point.x + norm.y*point.y; return std::make_pair( (scal_prod<0), (scal_prod>0)); } //returns a set of indices of points that form convex hull std::set hullBruteForce ( std::vector< Point > const& points ) { // The number of points in the set. int num_points = points.size(); //std::cout << "number of points " << num_points << std::endl; if ( num_points < 3 ) throw "bad number of points"; // The list of all of the indices in the convex hull. std::set hull_indices; // Try each point as the first point in the set... for (int i = 0; i < num_points - 1; ++i) { Point P1 = points[i]; // with every other point as the other point in the set. for (int j = i + 1; j < num_points; ++j) { Point P2 = points[j]; // If the point is the same it is not a line segment. if (i != j) { bool addIndices = true; float previousResult = 0.0f; // Check if all of the other points are on one side of this line. // Break out if there were two points on different sides. for (int k = 0; k < num_points && addIndices; ++k) { // If this point is not one of the two making up the line segment. if (k != i && k != j) { Point P3 = points[k]; // The straight line through P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2) // can be defined by the equation ((a * x) + (b * y)) = c where, // a = (y2 - y1), b = (x1 - x2), c = ((x1 * y2) - (y1 * x2)). float a = P2.y - P1.y; float b = P1.x - P2.x; float c = (P1.x * P2.y) - (P1.y * P2.x); float result = (a * P3.x) + (b * P3.y); // Check if the point is on the positive plane side of the line segment. if (result > c) { // If there is a previous result and that result is on the other // plane, this line segment is not convex. if (k > 0 && previousResult < c) { addIndices = false; } } // Check if the point is on the negative plane side of the line segment. else if (result < c) { // If there is a previous result and that result is on the other // plane, this line segment is not convex. if (k > 0 && previousResult > c) { addIndices = false; } } // If the point is on the line segment it should not be added. else { addIndices = false; } previousResult = result; } } // Add both points from this line segment. Because hull_indices is a set // we don't have to worry about adding the same index twice. if (addIndices) { hull_indices.insert(i); hull_indices.insert(j); } } } } return hull_indices; } std::vector hullBruteForce2 ( std::vector< Point > const& points ) { int num_points = points.size(); if ( num_points < 3 ) throw "bad number of points"; std::vector hull_indices; int firstIndex = 0; // Used to determine when we've closed the hull. bool hullIsClosed = false; // Keeps track of the previous index for validity checks. int previousIndex = 0; // Initialize our minimum x starting point to points[0] for now. Point P1 = points[0]; // Find the smallest x value for any point. // This point is guarunteed to be on the hull. for (int i = 0; i < num_points; ++i) { // If this x is smaller than our previous x, update P1. if (points[i].x < P1.x) { P1 = points[i]; firstIndex = i; previousIndex = i; } } // Loop until we found all of the points to make up the convex hull. while (!hullIsClosed) { // Use each of these points as the other end of the line segment. for (int j = 0; j < num_points && !hullIsClosed; ++j) { Point P2 = points[j]; // If the point is the same it is not a line segment. if (P1 == P2) { continue; } bool addIndices = true; // Check if all of the other points are on one side of this line. for (int k = 0; k < num_points && addIndices; ++k) { // If this point is not one of the two making up the line segment. if (k != previousIndex && k != j) { Point P3 = points[k]; // The straight line through P1 = (x1, y1), P2 = (x2, y2) // can be defined by the equation ((a * x) + (b * y)) = c where, // a = (y2 - y1), b = (x1 - x2), c = ((x1 * y2) - (y1 * x2)). float a = P2.y - P1.y; float b = P1.x - P2.x; float c = (P1.x * P2.y) - (P1.y * P2.x); float result = (a * P3.x) + (b * P3.y); // If the point is to the right of the line segment or on it, // this line segment is not part of the hull. if (result >= c) { addIndices = false; } } } // Add the second point on the line segment. The first index will // be added when the line segment is found to close the hull. if (addIndices) { hull_indices.push_back(j); // Use the recently added index as the new starting point on the next loop. previousIndex = j; P1 = points[previousIndex]; // If this recently added index is the first one we have successfully made the hull. if (firstIndex == j) { hullIsClosed = true; } } } } return hull_indices; } ******************************************************************************* Dijkstra ******************************************************************************* #include "e-dijkstra.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; // Stores all of the values in the input file into a map. map> ProcessFile(char const *input_file, std::map, int> &tree, size_t &loc, int &rech, int &edges) { ifstream file;; if (!file.is_open()) { cout << "ERROR: File was not opened correctly." << endl; return map>(); } // Save the number of locations, recharges, and number of edges. file >> loc; file >> rech; file >> edges; map> adjacencies; // Store the rest of the values in the map. while (!file.eof()) { int vert1; file >> vert1; int vert2; file >> vert2; int weight; file >> weight; // In case the eof flag got set mid-read. if (file.eof()) { break; } // Copy this path in both directions. pair path = make_pair(vert1, vert2); adjacencies[vert1].push_back(vert2); tree.insert(make_pair(path, weight)); pair path2 = make_pair(vert2, vert1); adjacencies[vert2].push_back(vert1); tree.insert(make_pair(path2, weight)); } file.close(); return adjacencies; } bool ComparePairs(pair pair1, pair pair2) { // Special case where recharges take priority. if (pair1.first < pair2.first) { return false; } return pair1.first > pair2.first || pair1.second > pair2.second; } bool e_dijkstra_aux(map, int>& tree, map>& adjacencyList, size_t& nLocations, int& kRecharges, int& range, size_t startindex) { vector>> closedList; vector>> openList; // Pick any node and put it on the openList. openList.push_back(make_pair(startindex, make_pair(kRecharges, range))); // Continue until there is nothing left on the open list. while (!openList.empty()) { int cheapestNode = -1; int maxCharges = numeric_limits::min(); int maxCharge = numeric_limits::min(); int index = 0; // Find the cheapest openList node. for (size_t i = 0; i < openList.size(); ++i) { // If we have a cheaper value store it. if (!ComparePairs(make_pair(maxCharges, maxCharge), openList[i].second)) { cheapestNode = openList[i].first; maxCharges = openList[i].second.first; maxCharge = openList[i].second.second; index = i; } } // Take any adjacent nodes and put them on the openList. vector adjacentNodes = adjacencyList[cheapestNode]; // Put all of the nodes adjacent to the cheapest one on the openList. for (size_t i = 0; i < adjacentNodes.size(); ++i) { int cost = tree[make_pair(cheapestNode, adjacentNodes[i])]; int numRecharges = openList[index].second.first; int chargesAfterTravel = numRecharges; int currentCharge = openList[index].second.second; int chargeAfterTravel = currentCharge - cost; // If this trip would use the charge up, recharge the battery. if (chargeAfterTravel < 0) { --chargesAfterTravel; chargeAfterTravel = range - cost; // If this is no longer a valid charge amount ignore this one. if (chargesAfterTravel < 0 || chargeAfterTravel < 0) { continue; } } int ignoreNode = false; // Check if the car can even go that far in between vertices. if (cost <= range) { // If this node is already on the closedList ignore it. for (size_t j = 0; j < closedList.size(); ++j) { if (adjacentNodes[i] == closedList[j].first) { // If the cost for travel factoring in recharges is better or worse. if (!ComparePairs(make_pair(chargesAfterTravel, chargeAfterTravel), closedList[j].second)) { ignoreNode = true; break; } } } // If this is a new node put it on the openList. if (!ignoreNode) { openList.push_back(make_pair(adjacentNodes[i], make_pair(chargesAfterTravel, chargeAfterTravel))); ignoreNode = false; } } } int closedListEntry = -1; pair cLECost = make_pair(-1, -1); // Find if there is a value at that node already in the closed list. for (size_t i = 0; i < closedList.size(); ++i) { if (cheapestNode == closedList[i].first) { closedListEntry = closedList[i].first; cLECost = closedList[i].second; break; } } // If our new entry in the close list is cheaper replace it. if (closedListEntry == -1) { closedList.push_back(make_pair(cheapestNode, make_pair(maxCharges, maxCharge))); } else if (ComparePairs(make_pair(maxCharges, maxCharge), closedList[closedListEntry].second)) { // Put the cheapest cost on the closedList. closedList[closedListEntry].second = make_pair(maxCharges, maxCharge); } openList.erase(openList.begin() + index); } // If the number of locations matches the closed list we can visit every city. if (closedList.size() == nLocations) { return true; } return false; } // This function finds if a hypothetical car that can go the distance of range // can make it to every vertex from every other vertex with the given number of // charges. The vertices can be thought of as cities. bool e_dijkstra(char const* input_file, int range) { size_t nLocations = 0; int kRecharges = 0, mNumberOfEdges = 0; // The pair is vertices to vertices, and the other int is the weight of the path. map, int> tree; // The list of which nodes are connected to each other. map> adjacencyList = ProcessFile(input_file, tree, nLocations, kRecharges, mNumberOfEdges); // The vehicle starts empty so remove one to start. --kRecharges; // Try every vertices. for (size_t i = 0; i < nLocations; ++i) { bool status = e_dijkstra_aux(tree, adjacencyList, nLocations, kRecharges, range, i); if (!status) { return status; } } return true; } ******************************************************************************* Closest Pair Divide & Conquer ******************************************************************************* #include "closestpair.h" #include #include #include #include #include std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& os, Point const& p) { os << "(" << p.x << " , " << p.y << ") "; return os; } std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& os, Point & p) { os >> p.x >> p.y; return os; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float closestPair_aux(std::vector const& points, int left, int right); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float Distance(Point p1, Point p2) { return sqrt((p1.x - p2.x) * (p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y) * (p1.y - p2.y)); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float FindMin(std::vector points) { // Initialize to float max to ensure that we find a lower value. float min = std::numeric_limits::max(); for (size_t i = 0; i < points.size(); ++i) { // Initialize to i + 1 because we don't want to compare the distance // to the same point. for (size_t j = i + 1; j < points.size(); ++j) { float dist = Distance(points[i], points[j]); if (dist < min) { min = dist; } } } return min; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CompareX(const Point& point1, const Point& point2) { // If the first point's x value is smaller return true. if (point1.x < point2.x) { return true; } // Otherwise return false return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool CompareY(const Point& point1, const Point& point2) { // If the first point's y value is smaller return true. if (point1.y < point2.y) { return true; } // Otherwise return false return false; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float closestPair (std::vector const& points) { int size = points.size(); if (size == 0) throw "zero size subset"; if (size == 1) return std::numeric_limits::max(); // Copy the array of points since the one we are passed is const. std::vector Points = points; // Sort all of the points according to x. std::sort(Points.begin(), Points.end(), CompareX); return closestPair_aux(Points, 0, size); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// float closestPair_aux(std::vector const& points, int left, int right) { // A copy of the points array with the new size. std::vector Points(points.begin() + left, points.begin() + right); int size = Points.size(); if (size == 0) throw "zero size subset"; if (size == 1) return std::numeric_limits::max(); // If there are two or three points use the brute force method. if (size <= 3) { return FindMin(Points); } // Find the midpoint. int middle = size / 2; Point midPoint = Points[middle]; // Find the smallest distance in each sub-array. float lDist = closestPair_aux(points, left, left + middle); float rDist = closestPair_aux(points, left + middle, right); // Pick the smallest of the two distances. float minDist = std::min(lDist, rDist); std::vector Strip; int j = 0; // Find all of the points in the strip of space between the two sub-arrays // that are d distance from each other or less. for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (abs(Points[i].x - midPoint.x) < minDist) { Strip.push_back(Points[i]); ++j; } } // Find the smallest distance in strip. std::sort(Strip.begin(), Strip.end(), CompareY); int stripSize = Strip.size(); for (int i = 0; i < stripSize; ++i) { for (int j = i + 1; j < stripSize && (Strip[j].y - Strip[i].y) < minDist; ++j) { if (Distance(Strip[i], Strip[j]) < minDist) { minDist = Distance(Strip[i], Strip[j]); } } } // Return the smallest distance found in this sub-array. return minDist; } *******************************************************************************